
8 May 1994 Word of the Lord, spoken by Chrispus Radman at the baptism of Paulo Eggink

Brother, the Lord speaks to you, that he really is your Father. Just as you have confessed that He is your Father, so is He your Father. And you have the best Father in the world. And you are his son.He has raised you up for His purpose. He dedicated you for His purpose. The devil had the plan to kill you, even the time when you were in your mother’s womb. The devil has tried to end your life when you were in your mother’s womb. But I, the Lord God, have protected you for this murder.

But I, the Lord God, brought you in this world, because I had a purpose for your life. I knew you and I will dedicate you. Even if the people say many things about your background, but I the Lord God knew you in your mothers womb and I dedicated you, says the Lord. That you will be my Prophet. That you will speak my words. That you bring my Word on many, many places. That you bring my word with power. You are surely a Prophet. A Prophet of my voice. You will not make compromises. You will not bend. You won’t be on your knees for whatever of this world. But just for the things I tell you. Only for the things I desire you to bring.

Yes, you have longed to me and you have been desperate to me. Yes, I the Lord God have been there, where you have walked. On the places you have been. And I the Lord have protected you, because I am your Daddy. I am really your Daddy That is, why I have called you.You had a lot of mental pain. You have a lot of physical pain and rejections. You have people endure, who humiliated you. But I was there and saw that you may possibly be broken. That you would have changed. Like I changed Moses in the dessert, so I changed you in the desert.

Therefore, the time will come, my son, that your time of change is over. And the time will come that you will rise up in the occasion. Today you’re in preparation. Today you’re in obedience. Today you will be following the leader. The day will come, that I will raise you up as a leader. And you will speak my word from place to place, says the Lord. And you will bring the word of God among the Nations. Be healed, says the Lord. Be healed. And know that you are not rejected. I dedicated you. I have put my blood in you. I put my work in you. I put my anointing in you, for you are my servant. You are my son who I will send. And if someone will say where you’re from, you can say: I come from the Father who sent me. Because I am the Lord God, whom you have sent.