
Paulo Eggink (1947 – ✝ 2020)

WELCOME to: The Royal Priesthood of God Ministry

Testimony br. Paulo Eggink!

I’m Paulo Eggink born out of an Indian father / Dutch mother. I grew up however with Dutch foster parents of whom the God fearing mother breathed Gods love unto me – however later when she died from cancer my life went terribly down. Then a few years later during a social card play I was invited to visit a church – there something most awesome happened during my baptism, after my conversation that morning  I actually did see:

The awesome Lord Jesus looking with: warm / tender and fire full eyes down unto me!

(See for a prophecy spoken over me here)

I was deeply touched and during my rising up I started to speak in a new unknown tongue!! Later on however by missing good coaching / guidance my life became even worse and in despair this by alcohol and drugs abuse etc. but by His grace I did find my Lord Jesus back – now a new fresh kind of life started!! In the years that came I did go through a process of change and deliverance even from a Brahman’s god and a snake – spirit out of old India and also of all kinds of worldly influences – a change in my ways of living was the result: God did start to mold my life more to His glory and purpose!

At that time I met a prophet out of India and the Word of the Lord came to me declaring that: “In due time” He ‘ld send me out to preach the:” Fathers – Message” all over the world that: “in due time” took about 30 years! During that time the Lord started to build in me through revelations and relation a rich / blessing and live chancing Word emerged with beautiful fruits of His precious Spirit! My vision grew:

Taking fellow Christians along and
deeper into the beautiful – royal / priest heart
of there precious God -!!

It started by teachings in smaller groups about spiritual principles due to symbols of the divine: Tabernacle of Moses!  Later these developed into the: Royal Priesthood of God! – Teachings as conducted in our: to days Seminar!! This is actually the ultimate reason to conduct our:” for free” – Seminar to which I herewith kindly invite you to take part in – this if you long for a deeper and more dedicated life with Him our: Lord Jesus – Who died there for our sins and Who rose from death to bring us back to our Creator – to Him Who loves all of us so very much! This Seminar ‘ll be served in 7 Steps and will start the moment that you apply to join!  So feel free to meet and join us here and be welcome you in His name. 

This is what his son Jonathan wrote about the funurel:
WOW, what a powerful ceremony, this really is an honorable ceremony for a warrior and a priest of his family. Hallelujah, The Lord is my Shepherd, “I shall not want” (I lack nothing). Even though I walk through the valley of “the shadow of death” (deep darkness), I fear no evil, for You, Father, are with me. You, Jesus, go ahead of me. You, Holy Spirit, are my STRENGTH.