Advanced examination – questions and answers

When you have followed the steps 1-7 it’s now time for a little test of what you have learned.
Below you find 2 documents:
1 – The examination-quests and
2 – The examination-answers.

Because there are no teachers that will correct your answers, you can do the examination whole by yourself.
This is not a seminar to see how great your knowlegde is, but the whole meaning of this seminar is that you were able to investigate the Bible and learn some princables how to live as a believer and how you can be a good example of being a “Royal Priesthood of God”-person!

Download here the examination-quests
and here the examination-answers

And as a reward of your efforts to follow this seminar, you can ask for a certificate (all in trust that you did your best to learn from all of the steps of this advanced seminar)
Please ask for the certificate by filling in the contactform of this website, and we will be proud of you and send it in return by e-mail to you!

Thanks for following this seminar, and as always:
If you have questons or wants to suggest something, feel free to contact me on my Facebook-chat or via our contactpage
For now: God’s blessing
And who knows, maybe we will put some more important documents on this website in the future.

br. Paulo